Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Birthday Update

I know, I know. My birthday was June 28, and today is July 7th. But I've been busy, and I'm just now getting a bit of weight off my shoulders. So, where to start... for my birthday, I got an iWatch, a Peachy Printer pre-order certificate (I get the printer in October), a 3D printing pen (to fill in until I get my Peachy?), a hidden camera finder, a vintage Radiac similar to this one, a few books from the 1950s, and an onslaught of gift cards and cash. Overall, it was an amazing 12th birthday for me, and who knows? Maybe I'll make a post showing off some of my presents.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Google's Christmas egg

This is going to be an EXTREMELY short post, but here it goes:
I have discovered a Google Easter egg, and as we all know, this isn't uncommon. Maybe this is posted somewhere else, but a quick search of "Google Christmas Easter egg 2014" turned up fruitless. Anyways, when searching "Christmas", "Merry Christmas", "Christmas Day", "Navidad", or "Feliz Navidad", you will see that the top part of the page becomes Christmas-themed. Here's a photo:
Merry Christmas, Readers!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Bits of spam

So I was checking my spam today, and I found these gems. Enjoy!

Ooh, Santa has a package?
Let's see here...
You know it's spam when you see these puppies.
This is what pops up when you close the page.
What's that?
Oh, okay...
Here's the form:
Does it HAVE to play annoying music when I click the link about "Free plane tickets"?
Remember the one on the right?
That was above the questions.
Fake reviews on the samples they offered me.
Here's a small portion of all the samples they offered me.
Even if a million people BUY their "Free" samples, there will always be (1) left.
I don't even...
What's this now?
These loans look SO legit! The freaking TWO-YEAR-OLD that wrote this letter must be so experienced!
Oh my, I'm SO SCARED!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Introductory Post

(Updated 8/29/2018) 
Hey everyone!
Welcome to my new blog, Aden's Life! This blog is about my life, going to the thrift store, looking at batteries, buying batteries, making electronics, cooking, and everything else about my life.
My Info:
Name: Aden
Age: 12 (As of 2015)
Place of residence:
Pets: Buttercup (Cat), Cheerio (Cat), Sushi (Cat), Gremlin (Cat), Mousse (Dog), Cake (Dog, brother of Mousse) Mimi (Dog), and Marshmallow (Dog).
Interests: Electronics, Computers, Animals, Coding, Gaming, Destroying things, Candles.
Computer: Alienware M18x, 32GB RAM.
Consoles: Wii U, GameCube, Wii, [PS1 until I cut the wire a month ago], Ouya, 3DS.
Favorite Game: Pikmin 2.
Well, that's about as far as it goes as for my info, so please stay tuned for this exciting new adventure on which we are about to embark. We will have good times, bad times, happy times, and sad times. We will have fun times, boring times, family times, and pet times. But we will always be happy!

EDIT 8/29/2018: Wow, a lot has changed in my little life over such a relatively short time. I won't be making any further updates to this blog (has anyone even read any of the posts? I doubt it.) but I will keep its contents publicly available in the hopes that, someday, these few records of my rather dull life will prove useful to someone, somewhere, for some strange reason. Oh, and by the way, Pikmin 2 is still my favorite game. Alienware sucks, though. :)